
For as long as I can remember, I have thought of my desire to travel as a constant.  Numerous events in motion are strung together in order to derive some sort of meaning – sights, sounds, food, friends, drinks, beaches, cultures, languages.  Each one of these aspects of travel redefine the limits of who you are and what you know.  That’s where the value is.

It is about more than being able to claim you’ve scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef.  There’s more to it than being able to say you ran with the bulls in Spain.  Take those experiences and let them pull you apart and put you back together so you’re different than before.  Not necessarily better, but different.  Gain new mindsets, new memories, experience something new.

That’s why we travel.  That’s what movement gives us that standing still never can.

Movement and travel provides us with the opportunity to look at life from a new perspective, abandoning for a moment the “roles” we define ourselves by.  We gain a deeper appreciation for our homes, our families, our friends.  We are able to refresh.

Each person’s journey is unique.  Each person will see and feel and experience things differently.  Life is subjective.


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